Please remember to change the currency to GBP (£s) - unless you wish to pay the equivalent amount in Australian dollars (which would be preferable since it would minimise costs all round). You are welcome to pay in any another currency, but please use the correct exchange rate applicable at the time of payment.
Upon making a payment of £5 (net of any PayPal transaction fees*), your account status will be changed to Member for 6 months.
Your membership status will be updated once your donation has been received but
Please note that you can minimise the PayPal transaction fees by paying using your PayPal balance and with no foreign exchange transactions. Payment using credit cards and/or foreign exchange transactions generally incur additional transaction fees (which can be somewhat exorbitant). Since transaction fees vary depending on the country in which you reside, please refer to the relevant PayPal fees for your country. The following are links to PayPal fees for some common countries of origin of our members:
United Kingdom
United States of America
As far as I'm aware, the total PayPal charges are confirmed before you approve your payment.
Please message me if you would like to pay using an alternative method or if you would like me to rather email or text you a request for payment. You do not need a PayPal account to pay a PayPal request. You can pay using direct debit, credit card, etc (allowing for any associated transfer costs).
Alternatively, please ensure that you message me to confirm your forum username and the details associated with your donation (e.g. the name and email address associated with the transaction) so that I can relate the two and update your account.
After 6 months, the status of a Member will revert to Registered User. The accounts of members who have made 0 posts will be deleted.
Please note the following:
- The status of Members confers no rights additional to those of Registered Users. The Terms & Conditions of Membership continue to apply as do all other forum policies.
- No donations will be refunded, nor compensation given, under any circumstances (in the case of a member being banned, in the case of the forum being disbanded, etc).
- A payment may be rejected, at the discretion of the owner of the forum, without a reason being given.
- All PayPal transaction fees will be borne by the Member (even In the event that a donation is rejected or reimbursed).
When your account is update you will be automatically notified by email (provided you have the notification option enabled in your User Control Panel and your email address is valid). You will receive email notifications as follows:
- that you have been added to the "Member" group
- that you have been removed from the "Newly Registered User" and/or "Registered User" groups
These group changes are necessary to give you the required permissions to access the recipe sections of the forum. Being "removed" from a group does not mean that you have been removed from the forum!
Related threads:
Categories of Forum Membership & Access Rights
Membership Legend